
Square Feet and Square Dancing

Why is she smiling?! Because she just took the blue ribbon in the "Jello Surprise" category at the recent Brooklyn Family Hoedown and Potluck. The winning entry? Lemon Chile Pepper and Cream Cheese Gelatin.

It wasn't half-bad. Grace, Becky, and I had a great time at the shindig, but I couldn't help thinking, "I came all the way to New York, and end up at a hoedown." The irony. But it doesn't stop there. I was informed that the southernness of my dish was in question. Apparently, some thought it was "Too New York" to be eligible for the prize. So, to recap: I'm at a hoedown in New York with a bunch of New Yorkers whom are pretending to be Southern. And my Southernness is being called into question by said New Yorkers.

We're beginning to think about packing up our things. I'll be going to get a few boxes tomorrow so we can start packing a little at a time and hopefully save the last few weeks of our time here to spend with friends instead of stressing over the move. Since we're almost ready to move out, here's the tour of our place I've been promising.