
Morning Worship

For a change, it took only 45 minutes to get to church this morning. (The last three times we've tried it's taken and hour and a half) Ezra and I went alone as Corey had left early to set up and practice.

Today was the first day church has felt like home. Our last Sundays at First Baptist Clarksville were bittersweet because I could look around and name a family or individual in each section with whom we had some kind of bond and a deep spiritual connection as fellow members of the body. It was so hard to leave those relationships behind. Today, I was able to begin to put together those kinds of connections at the Gallery. We did communion a little differently this morning. We had time beforehand to prepare our hearts, but then we talked and fellowshipped with one another as we ate and drank. It was beautiful. We were able to come together around the table with members of the body whom we have already come to love dearly. The Lord has been good to provide community for us in addition to providing for our physical needs.

On a lighter note, I wanted to share with you about our laundry situation. The first time I took our clothes downstairs, I discovered it would cost me about $6 to wash and dry a load. We just can't swing it. We have instead invested in the Laundry Alternative's Wonderwash and Mini Spin Dryer as well as an adjustable-height drying rack to go over the shower. Now, those of you who know us well are likely not surprised. It's just the kind of hippie-rig you might expect from us. It's worked amazingly well and is not much different time-wise than a traditional wash and dry. It's kind of fun. For now.


  1. Freddy and I both commented how great you guys looked at church this morning! Refreshed and encouraged. I'm so glad the Gallery felt a little more like home. It will more and more. I'm very curious about the washer and dryer... it does seem so simple and looking at the price it would almost pay for itself in a month or two. I would imagine you would do sheets and towels in the regular washer? If you did a load or two a day you could stay on top of laundry, right? Very interesting.

  2. Awesome! Hippy-rig is my new favorite word...it's a word right?! :)

  3. um..i have been threatening to buy the wonderwash for a while...cant wait to see how it works out for you guys.
